
Where are you from and what is some slang you use????

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and also, what does it mean or what is it???

i really want to know how differently people talk all over the world...

thanx :)




  1. soda pop, drinking fountain, i am from minnesota

  2. England. Blud , wagwan , showa , sik ,bruv...Self explanatory really

  3. I'm from GA.  To old to use slang, just wanted the points.  Thnxs

  4. Slang depends largely on the region. Also it depends on if you were ever in the military. Put two military people in a room and within minutes you would be confused. Speaking for myself, I've used Ship's English, PA Dutch, Italian and Spanish all in the same setting to the same person. Slang is pretty much universal.

    For example: A cobber to us, is someone who lives in the hills.

    A cobber to an Australian, is some one who just isn't right in the head.

    Enjoy yourself it gets better!

  5. I'm from the south, NC

    get a tape of Jeff Foxworthy, to hear it for real

    I use word like Yaw, and younz, both plural of you. I'm pretty sure thees more, but cant think of any at the moment.

  6. Ireland:

    If someone asks you how you are, the answer is "Grand" meaning "great"...everyone says that!

    Sucking diesel= things are going well

    Go for a few jars= go out for a few drinks

    If you call someone a "dry sh*te" it means they are boring, miserable, no fun. Btw, sh*te is the same as sh*t, but pronounced "S**t".

    If something/someone is like the "dogs dinner" then he/she/it is a mess!

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