
Where are you from? what language do you speak.?

by Guest32140  |  earlier

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Where does your family originate even if it goes 100 generations back where do they originate. I am American, my Parents are cuban, my great grandparents are from spain and many generations back my (atleast like 6) family beleives is Italian. I speak Spanish and so does my whole entire family. Explain it how I did, amd what language ypu speak thanks and have a great day! (:




  1. I'm Greek :) Constantine is the name!My roots are Greek from WAAAAYYY back!I also speak English quite fluently cause I lived a couple of years in the USA :)

  2. Originally from Russia, live in the Netherlands, speak Russian, English, Dutch.

  3. I am American. I live in Louisiana. I am half Cajun and half Isleño. My mother's side of the family originates from France and my father's side originates from Spain (Canary Islands). I speak English, French, and Spanish. Most people in my family speak English and French.

  4. I'm Korean my whole family is......kind of boring but whatever. I speak korean, english, and spanish.... My blood-related family isALL KOREAN going from my grandparents' to their parents' to their parents' to their parents' My cousin's cousins are however american and my cousin from my mom' s sister is is half JApanese b/c of his dad

  5. I am American but my Grandpa on my Mom's sides family came from Germany! My Dad's Mom is Irish. So I am Part Irish and german but I only speak English! I do know smome German but I can't speak it. I know Gutentag.

  6. i speak english, spanish and a tad bit of german (i learned it from school)

    my parents are from honduras

    and grandpa was from el salvador

    and sadly my parents arent able to date back what other countries our family originates from

  7. I am from Sweden, my mothers father came from Baku in Azerbajdzjan but his ancestors came from Vladimir (The town not the name) in Russia. I speak swedish,norwegian, english and german, and also some french, spanish and visaya. Regrettingly very little russian, only some words and phrases my grandfather taught me before he died.  

  8. Im English and live in England. My Dad's family are all from Leicester, England but my mother family's from Kent and originate form France lol

  9. both of my parents are from the Dominican Republic, I was born there, my Great Grand Father was from Haiti, and going back 6 generations, my heritage is French.  We all speak Spanish and English

  10. I speak French, Spanish, English and my roots are difficult to explain in any language.

    !Que te vayas bien igualmente!

    ps Gracias por el saludo personal, pero voy a tener treintedos anos la semana proxima, entonces no creo que soy un "chico".

    (Thanks for the personal message, but I am going to be 32 next week, so I don't think I'm a "kid")

  11. I am half American and half Italian. I speak English, French, Italian, and Dutch. My parents are American/Italian/French/Dutch. My grandparents are the same as my parents, except they have a little bit of German and Spain in them.  

    We go from way back. About 80 generations and every single familt member was either born in Italy or France. Well, until my generation when I was born in Philedalphia, Pennsylvania.

  12. your story is crazy & makes me wonder if mine is like that but as far as I'm concern I'm born in Mexico, my whole family is from Mexico but raised in Houston TEXAS.  

  13. Well, a hundred generations is a long time ago! But around 1860 one of my grandfathers came to America (where I live now) from Germany. That's on my mother's side of the family. Don't know where my dad's from, though his parents are from Canada.

    I speak English and German, and I've begun to teach myself Swedish.  

  14. Qué chido que hablas español! Yo tambíen. :)

    I'm originally from Rostov-na-Don, Russia. I lived there for 7 years, so of course I speak Russian.

  15. I am American, of various European origins (England, Germany, Switzerland as far as I know) and I speak English, French (quite well), a little Italian and very little Spanish (just from being in SoCal). But I consider myself somewhat bilingual (English and French).

  16. I'm from South Africa. I speak English and a little German.

    My mother is English though she was raised in South Africa as well. Her whole family is very English so English is the language. My dad is Swiss. As far as I know his whole family has always been Swiss in origin. This is why I speak a little German. Note that Switzerland has 4 official languages, it just happened that my dad comes from the German part of it.

    Too late to have a good day though :(

  17. I'm from Galicia, in North Western Spain, and here we speak Galego and Spanish.

    I don't know much about my roots, I think the last generations are all Spanish. One of the few things I know is that my grandfather was from Soria, a place which I'd like to visit some day.

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