
Where are you more likely to find interesting conversations...?

by Guest67148  |  earlier

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at a very serious scientific conference (and yes, the subject is of a very much interest to you) or in the company of the few deserters from that conference who gather in an adjoining room to drink and make fun of the other participants?




  1. i'd stick to the serious side of the room. why would i want to poke fun at someone? that's not right. i'd rather observe the serious people and have my say when it my turn to talk.  

  2. I would enjoy both but since it is a conference, I am there to learn what others have to say on a topic that I am interested in, not to indulge myself in others wit and reparté.  

  3. There's a time for everything and, although the "side-bar" sounds kinda fun, I would search for more interesting conversation among the sober.

  4. the deepest thoughts Billy has known were expressed in a cheap bar at no ones expense

  5. in a bar

  6. Hmmmm, another provocative question ...

    Although I dislike the (too frequent) dance of semantics that seems to happen when engaging the dialogue, I'm going to be basing the premise of my reply to the question on the word "conversation."

    Whether it was purposeful or unwitting, the question pits conversations in two distinctive settings, i) conference (doesn't matter if it's serious or frivolous), and ii) adjoining room (again, it doesn't matter if it's a liquor bar or a juice bar).  

    For me, the key to answering the question is to first acknowledge that conferences -per se- are not intended for conversations (interesting or not) ... conferences are typically structured for lectures, presentations, the sharing of ideas, research, findings, etc. and it's a monologue ... the presenter talks and -supposedly- the audience listens.  

    As such, conferences are often -by design- the least likely zone for conversations (of course, I mean within the conference itself ... not any breakout rooms or the like).  

    And because conversation implies the exchange of thoughts by spoken words between persons then the ideal settings for a conversation (interesting or not) is with the conference deserters.

    Besides ... there's always the conference notes in either hard copy or Powerpoint to be digested at later time.

  7. a neutral environment, preferably a restaurant with music, dancing

    and a bar...

    ...they will feel comfortable in body, mind and conversation...

    ...conference top priority...

  8. Interesting conversations??

    Easy!!   Call me!!

    Let's have a chat.

  9. Depends on whether "interesting" is defined as "intellectually stimulating" or "humorously sadistic."

  10. The more interesting conversations would be in the adjoining room (bar?), but the conference would tend to have some good information (though probably primarily in the form of lectures/speeches). I'd be at the conference for the information, not the conversation -I could always find that at a later time.

  11. If I were truly interested in the topic, I'd be involved in the serious discussions first and foremost.  But when the technical jargon and pompousness that runs rampant at those things got too much for me to endure, I'd take some time to wander over to join the deserters.  You can be yourself a bit more, instead of the "serious professional".  You can learn a lot about, and from, the people hanging out in the bar.  Some very interesting and apt conversations take place in the more relaxed atmosphere.  

  12. "Interesting" is an interesting word with different meaning for different people with different intellect.

    A gossip will definitely find 'Coffee Room' talks more interesting and full of masala.  But an intellectual would term them base and crude,  even mean.

    I personally have no interest in either.  I do not enjoy making fun of people or fun being made of them.  And Scientific terminology makes my head heavy.  I know because my husband is a Scientist.  *Sigh*!!!

  13. Id find the bar at the conference and let the conversation flow freely. That would be interesting to see how the conversation goes and seeing what transpires. But, if I had to choose only from the two choices you've listed...I'd pick staying inside the conference trying to gain more serious knowledge and understanding since it is so serious a conference.

  14. i find the best way to find interesting conversations are to talk to people smoking green, but make sure you join in to.  you meet great people smoking green

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