
Where can I (a 16yr old Canadian tourist girl) find London teens to hang out with?

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I am going to London within the next year with my family and before I commit to going, I want to know if there's a good /safe /fun place I can go to find London teens and just hang out with them. For example, a cafe (open concept and people that are watching just in case something were to happen). And how would I approach them?




  1. Go to trocadero in Piccadilly circus alot of teen there

  2. why don't you get a pen pal and then you can hang out with them when you are on your trip

  3. There are always loads of teens at Trocadero. The Funland there isn't like a lame little-kid arcade. It's kind of cool, and there is a bowling alley. You could just go up to them and ask if you could join in. Ya know the boys would let you. : )

    There are more girls hanging at Urban Outfitters on Oxford.

    You can just chill in Trafalgar Square and meet ppl. There is a cool cafe in St. Martins in the Field church right there, and loads of cool ppl.

    There are loads and loads of ppl in the parks in the summer. Just bring a frisbee with you & ask someone if they want to play. Regents Park has a lot of younger ppl.

    Hanging out around UCL is an idea. They have cafes on campus & there are loads of ppl in the surrounding area.

    International Student House sometimes arranges day trips & anyone can go & everyone is young. They are mainly in their 20s, but you'd totally be cool going.

    I've totally been in your shoes. My mom & stepdad moved to London in 06 & I decided to stay in LA w my dad instead of changing schools & all, and so when I first went over there it was hard because I didn't have friends. I made them pretty easily through going to the American Church in London and All Souls (another cool church) and just hanging out in St Johns Wood where loads of Canadians & Americans live. I met my best friend there in a Starbucks. : )

    London boys aren't shy about hitting on you, so you won't have a problem meeting them.

    I also met some cool ppl through Gumtree. There are ads up for friends & a lot of the ppl are really interesting. Just only ever meet with girls in case the guy turned out to be an old perv or something.

    You can hang in a pub at 16 (I know because I am & I have) and it's a good way to meet other teens, especially if you go to one in Bloomsbury around UCL. Newton Arms ROCKS.

    Have an awesome time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    : )

  4. The parks are great in the summer. Regents Park will always have frisbee games etc. Also, the concert scene is incredibly vibrant. London really isn't different to anywhere else - it will always be difficult approaching people who you have never met before! Drinking age in UK is 18, so you are most likely to find 16 year olds trying their luck in the bars round leicester square! (or any of a hundred other places)

    I say go, London is an amazing city and even if you stay with your parents you will have an incredible time. City holidays are the best ones to be stuck with your parents anyway - your completely free and can always find something else to do if you get bored. and if you bump into someone you like well thats an added bonus!

  5. I dunno about cafes but Hyde Park will never lack a teenager.

    Then again, it might never lack a teenager with a bottle in their grasp.

    Depends really. I say come anyway :)

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