
Where can I bet on WRESTLEMANIA 24?

by Guest57647  |  earlier

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I would like to bet on wrestlemania 24. Ive been to bodog and most the popular sites with no luck.....




  1. Why bet on something thats rigged? The winners are pre-decided before the matches not like they are going to change their scripts unless someone gets suspended for drugs, gets injured etc and I don't think any site does wrestling for gambling. It has to be a real fighting MMA or boxing or other sports.

  2. since their predetermined just bet your friends


  4. No where, the matches have predetermined outcomes to which any number of people employed by the WWE already know (the wrestlers, Vince, the ref).  No booking agent is going to offer a wager on an event that has a predetermined outcome.  That would be like placing a bet on the next episode of "Lost" on ABC.  The show has already been written, you do know it's all scripted, right?

  5. WWE Wrestling matches have predetermined outcomes, so nobody is going to accept bets for them.  There are many spoiler sites out there that give away the outcomes (or at least say they do) of matches months in advance.  

    Why would betting sites accept bets for something where the outcome is known ahead of time and there is ready access to the results before the event even happens?

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