
Where can I buy 100% aloe vera gel?

by  |  earlier

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Not the stuff that claims to be 100% aloe but then has 0.1 - 3% preservatives or other chemicals. I'm looking for pure aloe gel with nothing else in whatsoever. Thanks.




  1. Holland and Barratt should stock it, the prices they charge should be the real thing. Good Luck

  2. Any health foods / organic foods store would carry it more than likely.

  3. rite aid




    pretty much any grocery store

  4. target




    anywhere !

  5. Look for a local Herb Shop and buy an Aloe Plant they're not much.  Then open one of the leaves and squeeze.

  6. You can get some at Walmart,travel sized bottles there are about 2 bucks

  7. GNC

  8. I've just checked mine it is 99.9%, made by Aloe Pura Labs.

    If you want 100% aloe I suggest you buy an Aloe plant and grow your own!

    I have several aloe plants, don't need much care just a window sill and some water now and again.


    They are based in the UK and ship to the US

  10. you can get it at like CVS or something

  11. Target, Walmart most any drug store. It's not hard to find.  

  12. its oil, not gel

  13. Wal-Mart

  14. Everywhere that I have checked have some sort of additive. I suggest you go straight to the source and buy a plant. as it matures you break it off stem by stem as you need it - split them open and use as needed. On lots of beaches it is sold this way for a couple of dollars and works for me.

  15. Holland & Barrett?

    they're on-line, too.

    competitive & reliable

  16. Health food stores &/or online.

    But why not just get a couple of aloe vera plants? That's what we use. You're guaranteed it's 100% pure then :)

  17. basically anydrug store. rite

  18. CVS

  19. I actually have bought the real aloe plant. You just break off the leaves and rub it on. This is the only way to know that its really truly 100% what you want. You can find these plants at any nursery or probably like walmart's garden place or Lowes or Home Depot... places like that. They are really inexpensive. You don't need a big one. They should have some that range from like 8-12 dollars. Plus you have a cute plant to keep around the house!!

    If you don't want to do that, go to Whole Foods Market or another healthy-organicy store. You have a better chance of finding stuff there.

    Good Luck!

  20. yep,,buy a plant,,if you care for it they grow and grow,,,i just take off an leaf as they are very thick and tough be careful but you will find they are so full and succulent and the pure stuff,,,i use ours on my dogs spring grass allergy evrey year,,it soothes and cools her and takes away most of the inflamation on her tummy.good luck.x

  21. Target

  22. You should be able to find it at drugstores.  Make sure to check the aisle with the more natural products like Burt's Bees, Jason, and the like.  If you can't find it there, try a health food store or if you have a natural grocery store or co-op near you, their health and beauty aisle should have it.

  23. Health food store

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