
Where can I buy African Dream Root?

by Guest33003  |  earlier

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I need this root to get in a deep dream, so I can understant it I have this recurrent dream sinse I was young and I want to find the ansswer cuz I always wake up before I do and with this root I'll be able to go deep into it and not wake up where I used to wake up, so I'll be able to see more. thank you readers for taking the time to help me




  1. I've heard of African dream herb, but not root.  The herb is some pretty gross tasting stuff!

    There is a herb store where I live that sells all sorts of entheogens and other psychotropic herbs, roots, cacti, etc.  All legal, but some of it just barely.  I know they have a catalog, but I can't find it online.  You can call them, and I am sure they would send you one.

    Persephones Journey

    1103 Massachusetts St

    Lawrence, KS 66044

    Phone: (785) 856-0055

    Or, if you don't want to call them,just look for online catalogs yourself.

  2. what is african dream root?

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