
Where can I buy British newspapers in Seine-et-Marne?

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I'm living near Meaux and I so miss the Sunday papers! Does anyone know where I can get hold of them? I'm sure there must be somewhere in Marne la Vallee that sells them, with all the hotels.




  1. Take a look in any Maison de la Presse in your local large shopping centre. Be aware that they only usually sell yesterdays papers (i.e. you'll have to buy your Sunday papers on Monday) and that they are lot more expensive than back home - around the 1,50 to 2,00€ mark, sometimes more.

    You can also find online editions of most UK newspapers - just enter the name of your preferred paper in Google.

    (I'm a Brit in Essonne).

  2. If the newsagents is Maison de la Presse, or at the train station.

  3. give it up!

    you're living in france. get on with it. english papers are awful anyway and you have the best excuse of all not to read them!

  4. Do you have a broadband connection?

    All the main newspapers have brilliant sites which are getting better all the time and the news is up to date rather than 24 hours old and expensive.

    They seem to have recognised the future of news is on the web.

  5. I travel to many places in Europe and usually find that main railway stations have a variety of E.U. newspapers including British.

    Why not have a Sunday morning drive into Paris?

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