
Where can I buy Kaffir Lime Leaves in Heidelberg Germany area?

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dried leaves would be ok.




  1. This company will deliver them (Bart brand) http://www.britishsupermarketworldwide.c...

  2. I have been to Germany but not to Heidelburg, I was in Munich, as the frist peerson said it may depend on the Asian restaurants and communitys in the area, but I do know the are availabe, and as you said the dired one which I use along with fresh here in Toronto Canada are fine, just remember like dried bay leaves they are not as potent.

    If you speak German and can do a search, the Thai restaurant idea is a good suggestion as they have to be imported and German law is strict about imported food items, but if you do your research you can find them, Munich, Frankfort even the big food store in Berlin.

  3. This is not easy as not all Asian grocery has this item.  

    The easiest way is walk in Thai restaurant and ask them where to buy it... they use a lot of this herb in Thai cooking.

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