
Where can I buy a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX in California? ?

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I have been unsuccessful locating one and could use some help! I have a 2004 Lancer LS and am looking to upgrade. If I can't find a VRX nearby then I'm also interested in if anyone can tell me where to find physical upgrades for the LS model. It's slightly larger than the ES and doesn't have the same body specs as an EVO. The OZ is the same size, so parts for that would work I'm guessing??




  1. the Vrx isnt available in the US you would have to buy one form australlia or something and then pay to get it shipped here.. so basically you want to upgrade ur lancer LS i wouldnt waste my money on a  LANCER but im sure u can find tons of parts for it on ebay

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