
Where can I buy a .357 magnuum sig for cheap?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a .357 magnum. There is a gun show near my hosue in about two months but I dont think I can wait that long. Does anyone know a website or shops near fairfax, va that I can buy this on. It does not have to be any specific gun but something easy to use and very cheap. This is only for shooting range that's it.




  1. Are you looking for a revolver (a true 357 magnum) or are you looking for a semiauto (357 SIG)?

    Remember, you get what you pay for.  Gun shows aren't all that grea for getting good deals nowadays.  I suggest shopping online.  Check out, it is ebay for guns.

  2. go to a gun show.

  3. A .357 Magnum Sig?  No such animal.  Either the .357 Magnum revolver (or Desert Eagle chambered for the revolver cartridge) or the .357 Sig.  

    At the last gun show I attended .357 Sig caliber Glock Model 31s were selling for under $500.00.  That's cheap.


  4. Do you want a .357 sig or .357 magnum? Two different things...just something to think about before you walk into a gun store and ask for a ".357 magnum sig".

    Go on and do a search for the gun you want with your zip code and it'll give you a list of stores in your area.

  5. a gun show

  6. A revolver most commonly has a 6 round cylinder which must be what you mean. .357 mag and .357 sig are 2 different calibers.

    A. you can get a .357 mag revolver

    B. You can get a .357 sig semi auto

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