
Where can I buy a Permanent Magnet Alternator in Bangalore, India?

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Does any knows some shops or area where I can find these? I know it is available here somewhere but I don't know where? If possible could you plase give me the address?

What would be the estimate price in Indian currency? I'll be using it in Wind Power Engery generation.




  1. You can get this one and ones like it on E-bay or contact the manufacturer directly.   I have not used any of them myself.

    WindBlue Permanent Magnet Alternator

    Low Wind Model Reaches 12 Volts at Just 150 RPM !!!

    NEW: Now all WindBlue DC-520 and DC-540 Alternators are equipped with a 3-phase AC Output pigtail. This small black connector on the back of the unit allows you to run less costly 3-conductor wire to your battery location instead of large heavy battery cables. Once at the battery location the 3-phase AC is fed into a rectifier box (sold separately) and converted to DC for connection to the battery.

  2. You could just make one.

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