
Where can I buy a Weegee board in LA?

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My friends and I played this spiritual game with markers and asked questions and it answered the questions we know already correctly. So I am interested i getting more specific answers and in getting a weegee board and bring it to school so my friends and I can play. Where can I find one?




  1. your best luck would be  E-Bay

  2. those are not toys playing with the dead is dangerous my advise forget about it and learn to play rook trust me bad things happen when you use those boards

  3. YOU DONT NEED ONE! They will turn your life upside-down. I did it and had 16 yrs. of a crappy life. AND I mean CRAPPY!. Whether it be men, work, money. I tried to burn mine and it wouldn't work. Fire kept going out. So I took it out to a corn field and gave it a toss.

  4. Many toy stores still sell them.  They've been around forever.

  5. Just about any game store will have them.  I've even seen them in department stores that have a tiny games section.  As one person said, you're spelling it wrong so search for it online using the correct spelling and you'll have no problems.

  6. Spell it Ouija first, and then you will find many of them.

  7. First off, those spirits that you talk to do not really care about your questions.  They do answer, but their ultimate goal is to get control of your body.

    i was alone once playing with a Ouiji "weegee as you spell it" and it seriously freaked me out when the spirit offered to make me millions of dollars if it could be my "roommie" as it called it.  Basically said it wanted to share my body.   Freaked - me- out and i never used it again.

  8. 2 be honest i dont know but i did do A LOT of reserch 2 find out but i could not sorry. But on addicting games there is a weegee board on line. So u could play that

  9. I wouldn't play that game...My mom's friend ended up in the hospital because of that game and I wouldn't be fooling around with that game!! :/

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