
Where can I buy a cheap skateboard? like $30 AUS?

by  |  earlier

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I just snapped my deck.

NOT ONLINE!! I mean from a store, like does toys r us have any?




  1. Get cheap, good ones at Target.

    they are only $25.

    I feel like I got ripped off because I bought my skateboard somewhere else.

  2. Hello. Yes they have them as well as Target and Big w as well so i know you will get one and at a good price. Good luck ok.

  3. kmart

    just take the deck off the trucks and put it on your trucks

    couse there trucks suck

  4. theres one in blacktown..

    i think its called SDS

    or maybe try city beach or surfy shops like that.

    never seen em in toys r us.

  5. try kmart, they sell them for less than 10 bucks

  6. big w, k-mart, target etc.

  7. Yes toys are us does have some but there like got g*y stuff on there like cars (disney movie) pirates of the carribian even hannah montanah

  8. Big W.

    But most of them are like$24.. I think thats expensive.

    Little asian shops have the one with the alien on the back for $12..

    Thats half price! and the best ive seen so far..

  9. wow thats cheepo!!!!

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