
Where can I buy a comfortable life jacket?

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Im going to be spending a lot of time doing water activities during the next month (tubing, boating, jet skiing, water skiing) and even though I can swim, Im not that strong a, Im looking for a life jacket to buy thats not thick and bright orange. Just a lightweight, comfortable one thats nice looking too. Any ideas?




  1. Try this:

  2. depends on where you live

    I'm in San Diego

    West Marine - has several stores in Southern California - they have a great selection

    most sporting goods stores also have a nice selection -

    check and make sure that the life jacket you get is not only good looking and less bulky - however the right safety level -

    I made the mistake of buying one that had mid section floatation only - none up by the neck - first time I went in the water -  it felt like I didn't even have a lifejacket on -

    the next one had neck and higher back floatation - not as comfortable (not bad though) - keeps me afloat much better - and if I happen to get knocked out - I'll have a much better chance of survival - head above water!!!

    honestly the second one looked better anyway

    good luck

    have fun

  3. If you go to pretty much any boating supply store (in MI, we have West Marine and Boat US), they will have the largest selection.

    Also, you can go to outdoorsy stores like REI or Cabellas and they usually have a good selection as well...especially if you're looking for something sporty.

    Some slightly less related commentary that may help you find the right jacket:

    Basically, as far as comfort goes, the most comfortable jacket is the kind that fits well! Also, I'm not saying to buy a bright orange life jacket...but the reason most jackets ARE orange is because if you fall off a boat or jet ski, it's much easier to find you if you have a bright vest. Stick with bright colors...and definitely avoid blue!

    Here's a link that will show you some of the different styles:

    Have fun!

  4. Try a boating store.

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