
Where can I buy a deep fried mars bar in batter in Birmingham, England?

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where is joes in the Eastside of Birmingham?




  1. MOST decent chippy's will do it?

  2. I think joes on the east side do them but im not sure its been a whilwe ya know

  3. Not a common dish in England. Deep fried Mars bars are a Scottish delicacy.

    I suppose that you may be able to pusuade a fish and chip shop to fry one for you if you really beg them. But it's unlikely because it would probably contaminate the chip oil with chocolate.

    Fried fish and chocolate potato chips aren't yet a popular meal. Not even in Birmingham.

  4. the jolly frier!! only 50p!

  5. uh...deep fried mars bar?

  6. take your mars bar to any fish n chip shops n they will do it for you

  7. Just go into any chip shop and ask them if they do it. If they want your trade then they should accommodate you.

    Curly Wurlys are better deep fried though.

  8. try going to america, we would do it better

  9. You could take a mars bar to your local chippy and ask them to batter it for you. A friend of mine said he used to take all sorts of things in to his local chippy when he was a kid and they would fry it in batter for him for 20p.

  10. A mate of mine tried one, after a night on the bevvies.  He was as sick as a dog

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