
Where can I buy a high quality reusable water bottle for a good price?

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Where can I buy a high quality reusable water bottle for a good price?




  1. Those bottles water is sold in are reusable and cheap.

    What you want to avoid is any bottle made of polycarbonate plastic, Polycarbonates are a polymer of estrogen. While only a small amount of estrogen leaks into the water, oil on the hands will pick up more. The main problem with estrogen other than that it restarts the menstrual cycle, is that it causes new blood supply to rush to a cancer, to supply it with food and oxygen. You may have a cancer for decades that does not grow because it does not have that supply of blood... no problem.

    But to avoid getting polycarbonate plastic avoid very rigid plastic. Those crystal clear CD cases are usually polycarbonate for an example. Don't handle them a lot, particularly with oily skin.

  2. Go to a reputable sporting goods store they will lead you in the right direction I personally like the Nalgea Bottles as do many other hikers and outdoors people that's why they are the top seller

  3. nalgene bottles...theyre the best...they have them at rei, walmart i think...just google it and ee what pops up

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