
Where can I buy a left handed screwdriver ?

by  |  earlier

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Have looked all over the internet and can only get hold of right handed ones, does anyone know where to buy them from ?




  1. the same shop that also sells inflatable dart boards and chocolate fire guards

  2. LOL. I love it.

    When I was in scouts, we were teaching a canoe class. This one kid kept talking. He said he already knew all this stuff and just wanted to go fishing. So we sent him to the Scout Master to get 50 feet of shore line so he could go fishing alone.

    ( I won't mention how we knew that joke....stupid scout masters.)

  3. You have to convert them yourself, but to do that you'll need a long stand. Ask for one at your local hardware store.

  4. Did you try your local Leftorium?

    Actually, I don't think there are left and right handed screwdrivers.

  5. Oh "groan" not the OLD left handed joke again!!

  6. Ho ho ho, they were cracking this joke when Noah was a lad.

  7. lol i love these jokes.  i got my brother with the wall stretcher once.  he asked the drywall guy, who in turn gave him a sanding pole.  lol  i sent it back because it was a left handed "wall stretcher" and i was right handed.

    how bout the rock magnet and fish whistle?

  8. on the shelf between the glass hammer & the box of gridsquares, whilst you are there can you ask for along weight..


  9. Try B&Q next to the left handed hammers

  10. www lefties are right

  11. probably from the same place you get tartan paint....

  12. I think you can buy one at the same place where they sell glass hammers..!!

  13. Try Ned Flanders' Leftorium.

  14. Lucky for you!  They are on sale this week at "LEFTIES R US"...

  15. you are joking? right?

  16. Same shop as skirting board ladders.

  17. I think they sell left-handed screwdrivers on the same aisle as the car blinker fluid.

  18. When you find the shop, get me a bucket of steam and a sky hook.

  19. He´s not joking.It really exists!

    Left-Handed Screwdrivers. Is that supposed to be funny? Ha ha. (Additional note: most right-handers have a repressed sense of humor.)

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