
Where can I buy a nice, big Guinea Pig cage?

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I have one male Guinea Pig and I'm trying to persuade my father to get me another so my piggy won't be lonely since they are social animals but he won't listen and says that are cage we have now is much too small. Where can I buy a large Guinea Pig cage (Petco maybe?) and what brand of cage is good quality, I want the biggest possible! Don't worry if I get another Guinea Pig I will defiantly take care of it, I'm such an animal lover. :) Also, my Guinea Pig is about 7 months old, should I get an adult or a baby male Piggy for a friend?





  2. First Try A pet shop but then try ebay they sell things like that that u can pick up from there houses hope it helps



    get a clue

  4. Build a cubes and coroplast cage.  I bought 2 sheets of 4x8 coroplast and built a large cage with a hayloft.  I concur with the first lady. is a good site.

  5. You might try to make one!  I made one that was 4 feet long by 2 feet wide and had a second level for under $30!  Go to to see what I mean.  It's really easy and you can build so many different kinds.  

    At 4 months old I wouldn't get an adult piggy for a friend. Try to find one that is around the same age.  

  6. Animal shelters have used ones and the  price is cheaper.  They are still in good shape.  Be sure you wash it out good though.   For introducing it is easier to introduce two babies.

    For other info there is good sites on google.... You might not need it though.  

    Good luck!

  7. just give it more attention. they are very sociable animals so introducing another Gpig shouldnt be a problem but make sure they are both neutered cos this stops aggression. and introduce them VERY slowly. i dunno where u live so cant recommend andy stores but go on the internet and look up a Nero 3 cage

    hope this helps

  8. Have you seen ?

    Pet store cages are too small.  

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