
Where can I buy a really cheap digital wristwatch?

by  |  earlier

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I have started jogging and want to keep time. I don't even need a stopwatch feature, or anything like that. I simply need something other than my current analog watch because its hard to run and tell the exact location of the minute hand. if I am timing a mile, a minute is a big difference.

so, I basically want something as simple and cheap as possible. as long as it has a digital face, and is not a kids watch from burger king, I don't really care about much else. well, I would prefer it not be some crazy color or design. simple black digital wristwatch is what I am after.

to reiterate, I want to spend as little money as possible.




  1. check out walmart. they always have a  selection of sports type watches.

  2. no

  3. You can find them alot of places. 99cent store is a good place to look . Also anywhere that sells toys cause it sounds like what you want is one of those plastic band type watches which are actually for kids anyways. If you know where one of those cranes that you put a quarter in a see what you can pick up, they usually have alot of those watches in there. But I dont advise this if you want one to stay in time for any length of time, cause they'll usually lose time after about 3 or 4 days. and you have to keep resetting it.

  4. walmart

  5. Walmart.



    Look for TIMEX... Very cheap and actually very good for the Price...

  6. Yes I agree the 99 cents store.

  7. Try Wal-Mart or Target.

    - - - -

  8. Meijer's, K-mart, any department store. I hope you get the calculator watch.

  9. Wal-Mart/ Target

  10. 99 cent store!

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