
Where can I buy a solar cooker for my biology project?

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Where can I buy a solar cooker for my biology project?




  1. You can buy one here;

    But it might be better project if you made one.

    Good Luck.

  2. Try ebay. But it'd be easier to cobble one together using some window glass, a wooden frame, and aluminum foil.


    Go to this link to either buy or get ideas to build your own.  I bet if you constructed one on your own, you will get an A+ for creativity :)  You could educate many people on how easy it is to build one, so they will go out and do the same. . . Great way to help the environment :)

  4. You can build one fairly easily.

    We create a linear parabola  cross section such that it focuses sunlight on a 3 inch thin walled tubing (it can be 2 inch if that is all you have).

    cover the parabola with aluminium foil.

    The objective is to have sunlight that is landing on a 2 square metre reflector focus on a piece of tubing to heat the air in the tubing.

    This then is the heat source for a convection oven but it must be mounted so that it can be aligned and continuously track the sun as it appears to move through the sky.

    The higher end of the tubing feeds into the  box that is your oven. Be careful that the air coming out of this tube can burn wood if flow is too much restricted. It will also not be hot enough if air flows too freely. You control the temperature by restricting air flow via a bi-metal thermostat in the oven, so that the temperature remains just where you want it.

    Sorry, this is from a commercial design and I CAN NOT OFFER COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS.

  5. solar cooker -

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