
Where can I buy a thermometer for candy-making and artificial flavoring?

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I'm making taffy and I need to use a candy thermometer to tell me when it reaches 265 degrees F. I also would like to use flavoring, not just vanilla, but like cherry or raspberry flavoring, for example. Where can I buy these? Also, is 265 degrees the right temperature? Some sources say 270, some say 256, etc.




  1. Any recipe you use should tell you what temp it needs to be at.  Different candies=different temps.  :)

    You can pick a thermometer (and flavorings) at Michael's. JoAnn's, Bed Bath & Beyond...etcetera.  Actually, you might even be able to pick one up at Wal-mart or Target as well.

    On-line, just search for candy making supplies.  Here a a couple I found:

  2. anywhere - even the grocery store carries candy thermometers - Walmart, Target, kitchen stores, etc.  ...  Michael's has a really good selection of unusual extracts (and they're cheaper), and would have the thermometer too...  But, you can get strawberry, orange and a few other extract flavors at the grocery store too.....  Candy thermometers will have markings on them to tell you exactly what stage you're at

  3. Candy thermometers are available where ever kitchen supplies of any sort are sold. this is easy part.

    You can get other extracts than Vanilla and use in the taffy.

    Giggling at the range of temps for the candy. the difference is the cook who made the recipe that particular day had that temp as the correct one. Hard Ball temperatures are from 250 to 266 F. Brittle is from 270 to 290 F.

    You could do the cold water test as well as the thermometer reading.

    Put about 1/4 cup cold water in a china tea cup. put a little drip of the syrup into the cold water, then with your finger roll it around in the cold water. If the little ball is hard the candy is ready to have the fire removed. If the ball mashes with your finger even a little bit you need to cook it some more.

    A lot of times I do both testings on new recipes to see which temperature works best for my altitude.

    for more on that click my avatar and I will explain.

  4. im not sure about the temperatures, but i had to buy one back about 2 years ago. i went to target, the digital candy thermometer was $14.99, very cheap.

  5. You want your syrup 250º-266ºF.

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