
Where can I buy a used telescope in chicago? ?

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Where can I buy a used telescope in chicago? ?




  1. ebay, or craigslist. here are the new listings of used telescopes for sale in the chicago area:

  2. I found some listed on craigslist today! Chcek it out! Good Luck!  

  3. Check ebay or Craig's list. They might have some listings that you can either have shipped to you or you can usually pick them up.

    Also, call some local thrift stores to check their inventory.

  4. I am not sure but I am sitting next to a telescope that I need to get rid of and its hardly ever been used. I wonder how much it is to send though...I am not sure. If you don't have luck, email me and Ill send it to you for 20 or 30 bucks. It is a niiiice telescope, but Atlanta is way too polluted and bright to even think about seeing stars.

  5. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

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