
Where can I buy an M-16 upper or military grade upper?

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I am asking where to find an actual or military grade M-16 upper (that civilians are allowed to own legally) to put on a Bushmaster AR-15 lower. I would appreciate your answers, thanks.




  1. there are better quality uppers, but you can get one that is Mil-spec from Del-ton and many other websites. sometimes you can find actual M-16 uppers at gun shows, but they aren't going to be any better than what you already have.

  2. Colt and FN are technically the only true Mil Spec manufacturers.  The follow the exact spec down to the testing criteria , and not just dimensions.  There is no reason to buy one of the surplus M16 uppers as these barrels have had tons of rounds shot through them and they weren't exactly cleaned gently.  

    You would do well to purchase a Colt LE upper.  They can be found in the classified section of and in the auctions of and  They are advertised fairly often in Shotgun News and could probably be ordered directly from Colt.

  3. I use their kits all the time and love em. BUT, you should understand that you want AR 15 parts sets, not M16. some states, as well as BATFE have ruled that installing ANY m16 parts in an AR 15 make it illegal. This is not rumor, this is fact, whcih you can verify with BATFE.

    Anyway, I endorse MANDPARTSINC they gice you excellent parts, their complete upper comes with a heavy match barrel installed, head spaced and test fired, which saves you a ton of time and work. Their armorers are all military trained, and I have yet to have a single bad part from them.

    Shoot safe

  4.   Answer in fast if you get a true military upper, it will be worn out, otherwise it would still be in service. this is a fact of life. I worked as a gunsmith and worked on old military arms, still have a nice collection of them, this would be a bad thing to get, order a new part from bushmaster, it will shoot better, adn last longer.  

  5. Simply visit and you will find a TON or new and used uppers to choose from!  And links to lots and lots of manufacturer's of new units.  

    Hope this helps

  6. I would order one from Bushmaster to get one that matched. However, there are plenty of various brands that work and are closer to mil-spec.

    For deals check out's Equipment Exchange section.

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