
Where can I buy an eastern long-necked turle in melborne?

by Guest31793  |  earlier

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Where can I buy an eastern long-necked turle in melborne?




  1. You can't they are protected.

  2. I think you will need a licence

    Try this web site first before you get one

  3. Eastern long-necked turtles are not protected, nor are they endangered.  These are the most commonly kept turtles in Australia.  They can be purchased from a good quality pet shop.

    Be aware that turtles are not easy pets to keep.  They need a very large aquarium with a platform as they need time out of the water; good heating; lighting; and filtration.  If you have all these and are prepared to maintain the tank properly, plus find the correct food etc; and are prepared to learn how to look after the creature,  then go ahead and buy a turtle or two, as they need company of their own kind.

    But whatever you do, don't use a small tank, or skimp on heating or filtration.  This amounts to animal cruelty.

    Having said all this, I do agree with what other have said, and would ask you to think very carefully before buying any turtles.

  4. Please consider NOT buying one - instead you could become a wildlife carer and contribute to the protection of threatened species. Buying animals contributes to the unethical (and sometimes illegal, but very lucrative) trade in animals.

    You can enjoy native animals and interact with them without owning one.

    It's particularly cruel to keep one in a tank where it cannot interact with others of its species and live out its  normal lifecyle.

    Here are some links with info about wildlife carers:

  5. Unless you are prepared to go to a lot ( and I mean a LOT ) of expense... please don't .....

    we **rescued** one off a road once ... my husband told us ( ie my daughter and I ) off as ,... we should have JUST taken it to the side of the road and left it be...

    we had him in a largish fish tank for a few months and then re stopped kidding ourselves .. we were NOT doing it any favours .. they are better in the wild .. they are great animals and unless you have an absolutely MASSIVE ( and I mean MASSIVE) aquarium  ( like two metres PLUS long) .. it's basically cruelty to keep one..

    sure people who sell them will tell you otherwise...but think about it ... if you were a turtle where would you rather be...

    Why not donate some of your time out at the healesville sanctuary and learn to care for other animals as well ...

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