
Where can I buy anime movies?

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I really want to get an anime series called Fruits Basket, I've seen it before but never really got the anime myself. Where can I get all four discs? it's one of my favorite animes and want to get one of my own. and going online is not an option unless it is the last option available...

thank you!




  1. If you can do it, you might check out eBay.  You can often get good deals on dvds there.  Otherwise, you can check out  Best Buy (or their website) might have it too, although it's been a while since I've been to one of their stores.  They may or may not have the box set, but they should at least have the individual dvds.  If you are near a Suncoast store, they would have it, but I think you'd pay list price there.  They have sales every so often and if you are lucky, you can pick up the set at a good price.  You may want to look at RightStuf's website,  They are always having sales.  Here is a list of websites:;...      I forgot AnimeNation.  I have bought from them before and they are good.  Price-wise, I cannot tell you about that.  Fruist Baskets dvds are on the 5th page after what you see when you click on the link.  It's the page right after the t-shirts.

    I will be honest and say that I did not compare prices.  I just wanted to get you a list of sites that carry the dvds.

    Good Luck!

  2. try if its a big hit and it may be in english if not i dont know where hope its on

  3. is a great web site. Has TONS of animes and i am sure has Frutis Basket.

    And its a great anime :D

  4. is where i  get mine and they are really good hope this helps

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