
Where can I buy contact lenses without a prescription ?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently residing in US on working Visa and don't have any Insurance. I am looking to purchase the contact lenses online without a prescription from eye doctor.

Is there any website that doesn't require a prescription ?

Greately appreciate.




  1. Unfortunately no. Federal law requires that any contact lenses that are being ship inside of the United States have to have be verified by an eye doctor and the the prescription is still current. If you are looking for a eye exam and don't want to spend alot of money 1800 Contacts has a good program where they find a local doctor in your area and help you set up an exam with the best doctor that will work for using Price of exam and distance to help you find one. You can call their 800 number 1.800.266.8228 and they can transfer you to people that can help.

  2. you cannot order contact lenses anywhere without a valid prescription for them......even if you could, you greatly risk damaging your eyes without a proper fitting from an eye doctor.  Go see an optometrist.

  3. well do you know your prescription?

    if so, then you can order eyeglasses from any online site. google eyeglasses and a million sites show up, take your pick.

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