
Where can I buy frog legs? ?

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where can i buy them in fl? whole foods?




  1. K-Mart and it usually runs out of the Blue Light Special at least once a day

  2. try food lion in the frozen foods section

  3. I've seen them at Wal-Mart in the seafood department. Ick!

    If there are any fresh seafood markets near you, they probably either have them or can tell you who does.

  4. that's a french dish

    you can google a store though

  5. go  to the pond , they're free  !!!

    kidding, that's mean,  if your gonna eat an animal, get one that's gonna give you a challenge.  

    like a hippo or a crocodile  


    Best Price I've found  

  7. Asian store.

  8. Go to your local China Town.  IMO they are gross.  I took a tiny bite of one and nearly puked.

  9. pet store;...

  10. I had them at a chinese buffet place once, tasted like stiff chicken.  

  11. several grocery stores where i live sell them. new mexico

  12. there should be lots of restaurants around there that serve them.  If you want them fresh call around to the millions of seafood stores around there and ask them if they have some.  Or you could always hunt them yourself, ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. Got news for you; all species of frogs except one (not the one you get frog legs from) are rapidly becoming extinct cause of a fungus that clogs their pores which they think was brought here from India by exotic frogs sold as pets..

    5 - 10 years ago you could not drive at night especially rainy nights because of the incredible number of frogs on the road - now you don't even see half a dozen. Nights in the country you could hear the peepers song and the bull frogs croaking in the ponds and at the lakes but hardly any peeps or croaks these days.

    If you feel you must eat frog legs make sure that it is from farmed frogs otherwise you will be contributing to their becoming extinct .

    Personally I do not understand the reason people choose to eat them. They really are not very tasty and kind of fishy. Besides which they must be loaded with environmental pollutants as they hide and burrow into the mud and bottom of ponds. Most of which are highly toxic.    

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