
Where can I buy large rubber sheets to protect a rusted steel hull?

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I want to buy a barge but the hull is rusted out.

Anybody know where I can find huge rubber sheets to cover the whole bottom and buy some time before it sinks?

Barge is 64' x ' 21' 4'

It has channels just above waterline (draft 2') where I can bolt this GIGANTIC rubber sheet(s).

Thanks for any help, J.




  1. Forget that idea.

    Also, don't even think about fiberglassing it.

    Do the job right or junk the boat.

    You have to take the rust and paint down to a smooth hull, which will be a LOT of work, then apply primer and paint as per the instructions on the paint cans.

    If you are not into a lot of dirty work, forget it.

  2. Look at "itsplastic" on eBay.  She sells Latex bedsheets.  But, she makes her own stuff so you wight be able to get larger sizes.

  3. Look into army surplus>The bottom has to be clean and dry>Unless you glue the rubber on it will still leak> Cement patch might work>

  4. J,,,,c'mon here.  Have you ever owned a boat?  Especially a steel hulled boat?

    You said it yourself- its rusted out.  So drive her up on the beach, or learn how to dive, and do your own hull inspection.

    How much steel is it going to take welding this thing back together to make it "good enough"?

    Nobody I know of would attempt to use rubber sheets- and I'd bet good money and an ice cold beer on a hot day that if the hulls rusted thru, theres some serious structural damage that you haven't been able to see.

  5. I think you can buy used ones from Bobby Brown.

  6. Let it sink.  I wouldn't take this project if you gave it to me.  Rubber sheets?  What is going to happen is you are going to buy this rusted junk.  It is going to sink, then the coast guard is going to come find you and make you pay.  The fines will be more that what you paid for the barge.  It sounds like this thing needs to be made into razor blades.  Good luck.  When this thing sinks make sure there is no fuel in it.

  7. If the bottom is rusted out, you're not really buying anything but rust.

    The best help we can offer you is to discourage you from making this purchase.

  8. you can go to Boats and Harbors or Northern Tools and find tarpaulins that are , say, 75 x 30 that would act as a diaper


    zebra muscles ( ugh!) and barnacles on the bottom are going to cut thorough whatever you put down there and there you are. leaking again.....

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