
Where can I buy saltwater fish and inverts for cheap??!?!!?

by  |  earlier

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In the stores they over charge, over price everything. Every website I have found that had fish or inverts for cheap, The S&H charge was like 30-60 dollars. Where is a website or supplier that I could buy off of for cheap?!?!??




  1. pet plus.

  2. no where as I know of. Saltwater fish can be very expensive. Except maybe for damsels


    Sorry, but that is a funny question!

    Saltwater fish are expensive, end of story, no way to get around it- unless you dawn some SCUBA gear and get them yourself. You wont really find many for under $10 per fish, unless we're talking small invertebrates.

    You need to do some digging for a local, reputable dealer of saltwater fish near you. If you don't live near one, and aren't willing to drive a ways for one- you'll have to make do with pet-shops and websites.

    Pet-shops overprice, but you can observe the fish and ask questions about them(when did they arrive, do they eat, etc...) and even ask for a demonstration of the fish eating. You can also see that the fish is relatively healthy; it's swimming fine, eyes and scales are clear.

    Websites have such high shipping prices because first the fish usually arrive less than 24 hours after your order is complete. Many also offer guarantees of fish arriving alive, these usually exempt delicate species like seahorses and pipefish. Very high shipping, but the fish are usually healthy and roughly half are tank raised/captive bred- depending on the site, some are little better than a fish wholesale free-for-all. Generally I would avoid buying over the internet completely, unless you KNOW where the fish are coming from because you can't observe those fish before you get them.

    The best bet you have of finding reasonably priced fish is to find a dealer, which is basically a specialized pet store dealing in the pet you want, in this case saltwater fish.

  4. Most saltwater animals are still not captively bred. A large portion of that price is the shipping cost from reefs across most of th world. If you add on the cost of warranties and liabilities when shipping live animals, it's a wonder that shipping costs aren't even more expensive.

    Your best bet would be to find a local retailer. Start visiting the aquarium shops in your area (in my experience, chain stores, like PetCo and PetSmart have poor selection, little knowledge, and unhealthy fish) until you find one that you like. That's what I did and I've been pleased with the results.

  5. I'd say your local pet store. Do you have Petco? Petsmart? If you do, try looking there.

  6. it all depends on where you live. in the past i have purchased fish from petsmart and petco and on several occasions have i woken up the next day and the fishes would be dead. i would put all my trust in a local fish store that SPECIALIZES in the anatomy and personalty of fishes. like here in Lafayette, Lousisana we have a fish store called tropical fish bowl, and this is the only store that i put my trust in.

  7. i just found my diamond in the rough, i have a local guy that has hooked up with a diver/catcher and get direct shipments, my guy makes his money selling equipment and gets live stock for us at cost, i just put in an order for 3 zebra dart fish for $12 each, and 3 Hawaiian feather dusters for $8 ea

    so how do you find this locally for your self? my guy hooked up with his diver over the reef keeper forums, or look at your LFS's for fish keeping societies some one might have the hook up them selves

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