
Where can I buy small memorials suitable for indoors.?

by  |  earlier

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My partner ( same s*x ) died two years ago. His family took every penny that was left to me. I won the court case granting me the estate but his family, the Hollands' originally form Chesterfield, spent all the money even though they had not been in contact with my partner for ten years. They have not bothered to arrange a memorial of any kind for my partner nor have they been in touch, they didnt even come to his funeral.

I still have my partners ashes and want to place them in a large plant container, with our favourite plants and flowers, in my flat. However I am finding it difficult to get hold of a small memorial that I can place in the container and dedicate to him. Any ideas?




  1. For some ideas, click on the links below for


    ashes in glass - paperweight, necklace, vase

    ashes in a photo frame- where you could put a photo of you both together.

    Urns online show a large selection of all sorts of containers, so you could choose a box that could be placed at the bottom of a planter.

    What ever you choose, I'm sure it will be perfect. As for the family - They can take the money and spend it, but they can't take all you memories as they are yours for ever.  All the best.

  2. Can I recommend a company on the Isle of Wight who take a small teaspoon of the ashes and make them into a beautiful paperweight. We did this with my dad's ashes last year and it looks beautiful and is a daily reminder of a wonderful man.

    You need to look under Eternity Glass.  You can send the ashes to them and they'll make a paperweight to your specifications and colour.

    I've added the link so you can see what it looks like, I hope that you can move on from this sad time and find happiness again.

  3. If you're serious, get them customly made by a professional of some sort.

    But I have a question for you, why are you taking your partners family into court for an "estate"?

  4. why not get something that is personal to you and your partners relationship and mount it on a plaque then get it engraved at a jewellers, maybe a crystal butterfly as this could represent the freedom you had to love each other and a butterfly is a beautiful free creature, it is not long lived but brings such joy and colour to peoples life (girlie i know) mounted on a simple oak plaque with a small inscription it looks really nice, and it would go really nice with the flowers you both loved, it is something that shines like the love you shared but will be delicate and not intrusive and  fit in with the plant arrangement.

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