
Where can I buy soy cheese? in California?

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I'm new to celiac.I need to eat gluten and dairy free. I really miss cheese.I bought a pack of cheese at henrys farmers market because it said lactose*and gluten free.After I bought it i read the back and it said it contains milk! I was po'd.and disappointed.I thought lactose was milk? I guess I need to go by dairy free only. Thanks to anyone who answers




  1. Raley's, Safeway, Food maxx. Look at their specialty food section. or just ask at almost any major food store.

  2. Just about any chain grocery store will have at least one variety. Look near the cheeses and the tofu products.  If your store doesn't carry it let the manager know and try an alternative store like Henry's or Trader Joe's (Trader Vics in No. Cal.)

  3. The milk in your lactose free cheese came from casein which is a milk protein but it's generally safe for people with dairy allergies.  Most soy cheeses contain casein unfortunately.  

    But, you can find vegan soy cheeses at places like Whole Foods or smaller health food stores.  They come in different varieties like cheese slices, in small blocks, and cream cheese substitute.  However, you should be aware that the cheese substitutes often taste much different from real cheese.

    Edit** In regards to JC below: the cheese substitutes sometimes do have carageenan but this ingredient is derived from seaweed and is not harmful.  The ingredient you should be looking out for is Casein.

    I see that you are far from Whole Foods.  That's okay.  Go to this website and click on the city that's closest to you.  It will list health food stores in your area and vegetarian restaurants if there are any.

  4. Milk contains the protein casein and the sugar lactose, both of which are used independently by manufacturers of various food products. You need to look out for whey, curds, lactose, casein, and any word combinations that contain them.

    Soy cheese may also contain casein to give it its cheesy structure.

  5. Try Trader Joe's. In California you should have little trouble unless you live in the northeastern corner of the state.

  6. In California?

    Plenty of places.

    But if your near a Whole Food's they have more then one cheese substitute.

    They have soy cheese, rice cheese and some kind of vegetable based cheese substitute.

    But remember, some have carageen( I don't know how strict of a diet your on) so check the label.

    Your are correct herb.

    Thumbs up 4 u.

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