
Where can I buy udon noodles online and not pay an arm and a leg for shipping?

by Guest32003  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike is the only place I can find them but shipping is $7.50 for a $2 pack of noodles.




  1. Well i was not sure ether but look at this!

  2. If you are not home bound, may I suggest an Oriental food market?  Check your phone book.

  3. See if a local supermarket will special order it for you. The markets in my area carry udon, but I've had them special order other stuff for me before at no extra charge. One is a Ralphs (west coast Kroger) and the other is a Vons/Pavilions (part of Safeway I believe). Ralphs will also ship to you, while Vons offers home delivery for a small fee. You can browse online.

  4. Try It looks like you can order as much as you want and shipping is the same (about $7) so stock up.  

  5. Why online when you can buy them at most any grocery and carry them home for free!  

  6. Why not buy them at the grocery store?  I get them at Kroger - in the Asian food section

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