
Where can I buy vegan slimfast?

by Guest33539  |  earlier

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  1. There's no such thing.  Also slim fast isn't a good idea anyway.  Just eat healthy portions and get plenty of exercise.

  2. um, if you're a vegan you should be especially concerned about eating healthy, well-balanced meals to get your nutrients. I'm sorry, but slim fast isn't going to do that for you.

    I was a vegetarian for 12 years and lived off of fake meat products and dietary supplements. Needless to say I was overweight. When I stopped eating all that junk and introduced fish into my diet, I lost 15 pounds immediately.

    All of that stuff is fat fat fat. Empty carbs, sugars, chemicals that are nearly impossible to digest properly. Trust me, they don't work!

  3. You can't. Slimfast is always made of milk.  

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