
Where can I can get info about Ancient Greek Warship Trireme ?

by Guest44936  |  earlier

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Please have links and pictures.




  1. never, EVER,  use wikipedia for legit information. anybody can post information on that sight.

  2. Search it on AOL,Yahoo!,Google.You should find everything you need.I do that all the time with my homework.

    I really hoped that I helped you.

  3. Try wikipedia:

    There you'll find other external links too.

  4. Well, there's not really a picture of the ships, it IS Anceint Greece.

    Here is a MODEL made to scale of one to give you an idea.

    Here is a site that has excellent diagrams of the ships.

    The triremes was built for speed and mobility.

    They were 120 feet long, small by today's standerds, and were powered by 170 rowers arranged in three rows.

    They were built low to the ground, the bottom row of rowers were just 18 inches above the waterline, and very narrow which meant that the triremes were not built to handle open ocean.

    The crew of a trireme usually consisted of 203 men.

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