
Where can I check my daily horoscope, if I was born on a cusp?

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I was born on April 19. I usually just check Aries, but is there somewhere that has horoscopes for people born on a cusp like me?




  1. actually the trick to horoscopes is if you want more acuracy, in your case read, read both your sun signs and combine that info for your cusp ( I was born on a cusp too, Virgo/Libra ) most people born on a cusp show traits of both signs, but likely it's the one the sun was entering that dominates. But here is the trick, read the write up for your rising sign also. You'll gain addition insight because these horoscopes are written using a solar chart. So for example if I read libra and cancer (my rising sign) and say it mentions relationships, this usually means that a planet or planets are in my solar 7th house, or the sign opposite my sun or rising sign. But just remember that horoscopes are only based on sun signs. Have fun.

  2. There isn't a specific one for cusps. You can try having tarot read instead. Or, what I normally do is read the horoscope for both signs and combine them. This works because both apply to you.

  3. i don't know about that. But there is this cool site about when you were born.

    Here's Yours:  <<<<<Sry I didn't noe the year you were born on.

    Good Luck!!!

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