
Where can I create a free website to sell products with paypal shopping cart ability?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to set up a website to sell things- I'd like the site to have a shopping cart where they can add multiple items to and buy at once, and payment via paypal. Looking for something where I wouldn't have to pay hosting fee- anything available?




  1. nope. the truth is if you want a site that people actually visit you're going to have to pay something out.

    you know what they say.. you have to spend money to make money.

    there are poor alternatives but if you want any sales I suggest you hire a freelancer

    I can recommend someone if you want?

    he made me a website not too long ago for about half of the price i was expecting, and double the quality i was expecting, i think he could really help you out.

    email me at if you want his addy

    Best wishes,


  2. go to paypal.. I'm sure they have participating partner links.

  3. nothing is free.

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