
Where can I do leadership hours FAST?

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I need 15 hours of service in some leadership role and I need them FAST, which for me is in a within 2 weeks!




  1. i would help out at a local animal shelter

  2. At this time of year  there may be a fair nearby, either county or state.  Call up the county commissioners or county extension agent and offer to help.  It could be something as simple as coordinating the volunteers who empty trash cans, or organizing a hobby horse race for the kids, or a kiss the pig contest, running the concession stand etc.

    Or, there are a lot of political things going on right now.  Can you help with a dinner, a fund raiser, voter registration drive etc.

    Maybe you can volunteer at a local school or Headstart helping with registration, setting up classrooms, back to school nights etc.  Maybe the local Scouts, 4-H, or youth group has an activity with which you can help.

    The leadership  role comes from planning, organizing, supervising, working with a group etc.

    If all else fails, have a garage sale or set up a lemonade stand and donate the proceeds to a charity.  

  3. - organize a fund-raiser for a local charity, it could be anything from you are going to auction things off online to run a car-wash to a bake sale

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