
Where can I do paid blood plasma donations in washington dc?

by  |  earlier

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i heard that u can get paid to do plasma donations 2 times a week for around 35 dollars is there anywhere in dc or the greater dc area to do that?




  1. I really disagree with the statement below mine.  YES, you can donate Plasma and there are several companies that you can go to.  All of them have centers in the DC area, except for one, Talecris.

    -BioLife, Talecris Plasma Resources, ZLB, Plasma Care.  Please look at their websites for center information.

    Donating plasma has no waiting time.  You will be paid compensation for your time.  Getting paid for Plasma is not like getting paid for blood, and they do screen you for high risk behaviors, as mandated by the FDA.

    You will first be asked to read a binder or watch a movie on the process of plasmapheresis.  Then you will be screened.  The screening prcocess takes about 10 min.  Your Hematacrit, BP, Pulse, Temp and total protein will be taken by an employee fully trained to do so.  This employee will ask you 18 questions regarding high risk behaviors, and educate you on the hazzard of participating in them.

    After you are screened, assuming your baseline vitals are in line, you will go in for a Physical Exam.  The PE is conducted by a Paramedic, LPN or RN.  A full medical history will be asked, and a comprehensive PE.  Then more questions and education about high risk behaviors.  If you pass the PE, you will donate.  

    Donation takes about 45min to 1hr, depending on you rate of flow.  The process of plasmapheresis is to take your blood, spin it at a high rate of speed, then return you red blood cells to you.  It is a very safe process, if you follow simple rules. You will donate 687mL, 824mL, or 877mL depending on your weight.  This process is strictly regulated by the following authorities.




    -Internal Audit teams for all companies.

    -Eat well and healthy before and after donation.

    -Hydrate yourself properly before, during and after.  

    -Follow the instructions of the sNure.

    You can get paid for plasma and not blood b/c the FDA stated in 1981, that with the proper screening, companies can pay for you for your time and not the actual product.

    Your plasma will be tested for HIV 1/2, Hepatitis, RPR, ALT, ATYA and SPE.  You must donate a minimum of twice for the company to use your plasma.  The main medication they make are:



    Please visit the website of the above companies for more information on a center in your area.

    Good luck.  If you want anymore info, please let me know.

  2. Today, very few, if any, places pay donors of blood, platelets, or plasma. By paying donors, it is too likely that "high risk" groups would donate just for the cash. IV drug users are routinely prohibited from donating blood because they engage in "high risk" behavior that increases the risk of transmitting diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.  Many recipients of transfusions already suffer from a compromised immune system due to the disease/illness that necessitates the transfusion.

    So if you're looking for a fast way to make some cash, I suggest you look elsewhere than potentially subjecting innocent patients to a disease that may be fatal.

    In addition, most reputable places who accept blood, platelets, or plasma donations require a minimum 7-14 day waiting period between donations (56 days between whole blood donations).

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