
Where can I donate Can-Tabs?

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I have been collecting can tabs for the past three years, only to find out that the place where I had planned to donate them to originally no longer exists. Are there any organizations which collect can tabs (off the top of soda) as a fundraiser or for part of a recycling program.

Websites would be great as well! Thank you!




  1. I volunteer at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, which has a Pull Tab program as a major fundraiser.  Ronald McDonald Houses offer families of sick children a cheap place to stay while their children are being treated at a nearby hospital.  Find one near you where you can drop off the tabs.

  2. The largest recycler of tabs in the United States is McDonalds House Charities (492 million as of 12-31-2007), of which my cubbies from Cub Scout Pack 526 Hiawathaland Council donated 3,343,737 tabs..

    In the case of McDonalds, you do not have to find a McDonalds House Charity to donate too, you just have to find a McDonalds. The delivery trucks for thier food distibution system is already reverse co-ordinated to deliver tabs.

    Howevere, should you know of a more worthy charity which you would like to donate to, you can always start your own tab redemption program. Contact your local recycling centers, 82% of them accept tabs as CLEAN ALUMINUM, and that can fetch you from 50 cents to a dollar a pound, but realize that it takes 834 to 1,538 tabs to equal 1 pound (I have identified 158 different tabs so far, of which 21 are not aluminum). Once you have converted your tabs to cash, you can donate the funds to a charity of your choice..

    One other option, E-Bay...believe it or not people pay from $3 to $8 per thousand for tabs, they need them for arts and crafts projects, and I have sold the colored tabs in the $12-$20 range per thousand

  3. My friends used to donate to a hospital.  I doubt that is in your area though.  Try google.

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