
Where can I download Lost Season 4 legally?

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For example, is a legit site?




  1. well lost season 4 does not come out on dvd till december 9th so any downloading before that date is considered illegal. so if i were u i would just wait till it come out on dvd and buy it then cause that is really the only legal way to do it because everything you download off of the internet is illegal. hope this helps so what.


  2. There is no legal download unless you own the actual copy of the show/movie. OR, you have purchased the show/movie off a reputable download site such as NetFlix.

  3. As far as I know, there is not a legal site for downloads.

    The episodes they show on are legal.

    Other than that, you must buy the DVDs.

  4. You cannot download it legally for free, but there may be somewhere that you can pay to download it. However, usually that defeats the point of downloading.  

  5. I can't be sure but I doubt the website you found is legal. Like other people have said, you can watch them for free at ( or wait to buy the DVDs December 9th. You can also buy any of the Season 4 episodes on iTunes for 1.99 a piece.

    Good luck!

  6. First of all there are very few sites which allow downloading of shows movies for free. moreover even if you pay and download, what if power fails. the whole money is lost. You have to download them illegally or buy DVDs legally!

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