
Where can I download a copy of the internet?

by Guest61972  |  earlier

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How many 5.25" floppies would it take to hold it?




  1. wtf?

    the question you should be asking is:"where can I buy a gun to shoot myself in the head?"


  3. umm have u tried it on google, if not just download mozilla firefox, i find it a lot quicker and easier to use

  4. u can download the copy ,first copy the mail on the desktop later download it ,it is easier.

  5. what a stupid question it is

  6. The internet is spread through millions of machines all round the world. I suppose you could download each VISIBLE part of it at a time, there are more hidden parts than visible, a bit like an iceberg really, and the effect of this much data on your machine is likely to be the same as an iceberg had on the Titanic.

  7. well you can get a friend that haves a computer and Internet connection  then copy it from your friend

  8. A person cannot download 'the internet'. The internet is not a thing one can hold in one's hand. One cannot have 'an internet' like having a book or a bicycle.

    The internet is a pathway. Just as you cannot download a real life pathway you walk on, you cannot download the internet, but one can USE both things. You can walk on a pathway outside your house AND you can use the internet on a computer.

    One USES the internet to communicate with others, interact, do business, buy and sell things; do research; and many other things.

    You need to be able to 'access' or have a computer to connect to the internet.

    You can use it by having a computer and an electrical telecommunication connection. These things will allow you to use the internet.

    By posting this question, you are using the internet. That's what you can do. Download it, no. It is not possible or practical.

    Keep asking questions and you'll eventually understand it well.

  9. yee canny not download it

  10. Send me an email and I'll mail it to you. It should fit on a 3.5" floppy.

    edit - About 5 of those 5.25" discs. I still have one of those.

  11. Haha.  

    Sounds like a joke from W3Schools website...

    If you were being serious ( I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and thinking not),  you cannot copy the "internet".  The internet is not a file, rather its a method of communication.

  12. The location of the internet is at a secret location.

    To locate it you have to watch the secret movie

    South park bigger long and uncut.

    It has secret info how to get there.

    I Love trolls = ]

  13. You have a misunderstanding of the internet. The internet is a series of networks. The internet is not a file. You can't download "the internet"

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