
Where can I drop off clothes that are too raggy to be donated to charities(e.g. Salvation Army)?

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I don't wanna put these clothes out for the garbage man. Instead I would like these clothes to be used for recycling purposes.




  1. The Salvation Army will take them but mark the bag/box "rags". They sell the raggy clothes to companies that recycle them by making other uses.

    Go here:

  2. Maybe  soup kitchen or homeless shelter.

  3. Some recycling centers have a bin for clothing.

    Also they can be cut and used for quilting, or arts and crafts.  Perhaps a nursing home or something similar may have someone who may wish to use them for something like that.

    I personally have found an old raggy t-shirt to be a perfect dust rag or shop rag in my garage.

  4. Give to any beggar or homeless person or to your local church.

  5. Please do not give clothes too ragged to wear to a church or charity without talking to them first. For most such groups they will be a burden and an expense not a blessing because they will have to pay to have this trash hauled off.  Most just do not have holding space or programs for such things and frankly old rags sitting around draw rats which are a real problem for foodbanks,soup kitchens, shelters etc.  Look in your phone book or at under recycling and see if you can find a place that does cloth or rag recycling.   I understand your wanting to help and that is good and you are wise to ask where is a place that can use them.

  6. Good Will or any church

  7. call the animal shelter they may be able to use them for extra bedding for the animals or you can give them away on freecycle, If you don't know what that is every area of the country has a freecycle in their area or one close by. You have to type in Freecycle and it will give you a listing of the states so you can find yours and the city. I have furnished a whole house on Freecycle.

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