
Where can I eat along any of the Paris subway lines?

by Guest33131  |  earlier

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I will be traveling on the subways and don't want to go too far from a station (0.5 km max). Also, the restaurants need to be cheap, nothing fancy.




  1. Well, there are mcdonalds and starbucks everywhere so you'll be okay. There are also small cafés everywhere and they usually serve snacks.

    There also are sandwich shops every two meters or so...

    You won't die from hunger^^

  2. That's a bit vague my friend. That's practically like asking "Where should I have lunch in Paris"- it helps if you narrow it down- to a neighborhood, an arrondissement, a type of cuisine, etc. And this would hold true for any large city- "near a subway line" is kind of redundant, since you're never far from one within Paris city limits.

  3. Cheap and near?  Learn to keep an eye out for crepes or kebab.  They're literally all over the place, it's pretty good stuff, and it's pretty cheap.  Totally beats the c**p out of McDonald's.  

    Otherwise, it differs from station to station.  Which lines/stations specifically?

  4. Given that there is no address in the Paris city center that is much more than 500 meters from a Metro station you can go into any small cafe and have something to eat.

    Planning a trip is good but in this instance I think you may be overplanning because you are unfamiliar with the area.

    There are hundreds of cafes in Paris along with crepe stands, sandwich shops, gyro joints not to mention restaurants on almost every block.

    There are also a vast number of fast food joints from Mickey D's, Quick (the French answer to Mickey D), Flunch, etc etc.  

    So finding reasonably priced food in Paris doesn't take much effort.

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