
Where can I exchange Italian Lira in Columbus, ohio?

by Guest32284  |  earlier

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I have Lira left over from a trip, where can I exchange it in Ohio?




  1. Columbus Mob.

  2. A bank or the airport.

  3. Italian Lira ? I would keep it as a memory of  the past....

    when Italy was better off than is today with the Euros....If you ever go back to Italy...everyone is nostalgic about that era...and  the ex premier Silvio Berlusconi, despite his big mouth was much better than Romano Prodi....a communist ! He liked the Americans and he even liked

  4. Lira?  Italy has been on the Euro since 2002.  I don't know that anyone will exchange it, but you can call around to banks and currency dealers to find out. . .

  5. It's doubtful that any U.S. bank would offer this service now that the euro is legal tender in Italy (since 2002).  You have until December 30, 2012 to exchange leftover lire for euro at the Banca d'Italia:

  6. Lira can not be exchanged anymore

    Italy uses the Euro now (they have been for 4 1/2 years)

  7. Italy no longer uses the lira, but in fact the euro.  You can make the exchange at a bank or an airport.


  9. You won't be able to exchange them in the United States, because they aren't the legal currency anymore.  You would have to exchange them in Italy.

  10. contact wells fargo and they can change your money into lira, however if you want to exchange from lira to dollars, you may have to do it at the airport.

  11. You can exchange them in Columbus Airport. If you are residing at hotel you can exchange in the hotel.

    If you want other than the above, please see the below link

    you can find the exchagne centres

  12. You could try at a stamp store (like for collectors); if it's in good shape they might be interested or know who is. I doubt any banks outside Italy would bother at this point unless you have a huge amount of leftover lira. (In which case, why'd you wait so long?)

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