
Where can I find Florida Orange Juice coupons and other supermarket item coupons online?

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Please give me a few links.

Thank you!




  1. An amazing site for Coupons is  (You have to choose a username & password - but no other personal information) and then go through screen after screen of "skip or subscribe" advertisements, but once you do that, it offers a lot.)  

    At CouponMom.Com, you can

    (1)  check on Saturday (after 3 p.m. EST) to find out what coupons are coming out on Sunday - and decide if you want to buy newspapers or not, or two...

    (2)  download a Coupon Toolbar - that keeps you informed of current online coupons available.  (You click on an item in a catagory & it takes you to the site -- sometimes where only that coupon is available (i.e. a manufacturer's site) or to a coupons distributer's site (like "") where there are pages of Coupons.

    (3)  print a lot of Online Coupons and find coupons that you might not have found, but for CouponMom.

    (4)  link to other coupon sights -- like,

    (5)  Sign up for Alerts -- it will e-mail you when there are coupons (in Sunday's paper) that might interest you.  You can sign up for Alerts by category ("Orange Juice", "cereal"...) or by specific items and brand name ("Tropicana Orange Juice", Kellogg's).  

    (6)  download Coupon Mom's books offering her techniques on saving at grocery stores and elsewhere.  

    (7)  get APO addresses where you can send unwanted, unused, even expired coupons to military families -- to help them save!!  (I love it!!!!!!)  Read all about "Operation Expiration" using the link in the left-hand column.)

    ...and more I can't even think of right now.

    ALSO:  Look at these sites for coupons (that are, actually, available through CouponMom);


    Visit other manufacturer's site (usually their name with ".com" after it) and look for a "promotions" or "coupons" button or link.

    ALSO:  Sign up for Newsletters at manufacturer's sites.  You will often receive coupons (and other offers) not available to the general public.  You might receive special rebates, free trial sizes, valuable coupons.  (I recently recieved a full rebate for a pound of Land O Lakes Butter, and half-gallon of CoffeeMate... plus numerous "new product" samples.....)    

    ALSO:  Go to grocery stores sites -- not only the ones you shop at -- and see if there are links to grocery coupons, like this one:

    ALSO: offers free samples in their "In-store Now" dropdown menu.  (I've gotten toothpaste, cereal, hair care...)   Check other discount store sites, etc., too for samples & (store) coupons.

    The crummy thing about some (or maybe most) of these sites is that they are all linked into the same, few distributing houses (like or  Once you print a "limit", you can not go to another site (that uses the same distributer & get more.  They "know".  :)  BUT, different sites offer different coupons, so check around.

    This is in addition to the other great sites other Answerers listed above.

    Good luck to you.  E-mail if I can be of further assistance.

  2. my local grocery store's website has them for me to print.  or check florida orange juice's website.

  3. Go to and sign up directly at their website for coupons.

    Grocery coupons:

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