
Where can I find Foundation stage planning about Farming?

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I require information on activities about farming for a class of 3-5 year old for half a term- so meduim term plan




  1. Try this webiste.  They seem to have pretty good web resources on most subjects.

  2. For Farming information

    This site is a good site to get Farmers insurance.

  3. This is website where I found a preschool farm unit.  It really helped me.  All I could think of was farm animals and the sounds they make before finding this website.


  4. whenever you try to teach anything to 3 to 5 yr olds, you have to be sure that you do it within a context that they can understand eg have first hand experience of. so, you should really try to arrange a trip to a farm. At worst, if you can't do that, you need to set up a really good toy farm.

    As far as planning activities goes, you should be basing any planning on what children already know and can do, so you need to look at where they are in their learning and what has interested them recently and ensure that your planning includes opportunities to extend their learning using their interests.  This means that if they enjoy playdough for example, you could put model animals on the playdough table and encourage them to try and make their own, or you could look for farm stories, like Farmer Duck to get them interested in jobs on the farm etc.

    Let the children guide you, you should be following their interests not planning the things that adults think they should be interested in.

  5. try or I cant remember which they have a lot of curriculum based ideas on there.

    What I do when I plan mine is write out the 6 areas and there components and then write list of possible activities to cover these which can both planned and child led (eg: by having resources available in labelled boxes for kids to pick). Then I highlight most suitable and figure out which aims are appropriate then I use that to plan the short term.

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