
Where can I find Gals to date in & around Srinagar colony, Hyderabad??

by  |  earlier

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U know I 'm striving to know form a long time




  1. go to U.S.A.

  2. Go to a marriage broker.

  3. u cant find one


    this is india...not us

  4. If you have not found one for such a long time, how will get one now? Ask some girls for an answer. They will tell you the reason and may be then you can ask one of them if she could be your girl-friend. From there, you may pick up the thread.

  5. If you fail to find, some gal will find you, u like it or not.

  6. go around srinagar colony, ask all the girls for dating, some of them will slap u, some may come with u

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