
Where can I find Ketchup Chips?

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I'm pregnant and craving some ketchup chips, I used to be able to find them at the local supermarket, now I looked everywhere and can't find them. Does anyone know where they sell them or if they still make them anymore?




  1. K-Mart or Big K

  2. Costco?

  3. OH GOD! I'm going to do you a favor and not tell you where you can find those god-forsaken things.  

  4. shop and save sells the heinz brand,but i'm not sure if you have s&s where you live so maybe try walmart they used to have them..good luck it stinks when those cravings strike and  you can't find what you want ...congrats

  5. There's plenty in America the only place i saw them was in the vending machines and they were the "Burger King french fries with ketchup flavor" ones.  Maybe you can order them on-line from Canada...they are so good :)  

  6. I know my supermarket sells them but since yours does not check in a local gas stations market.  Normally places like that carry mulitple varieties of snacks.  Good Luck with finding them and with the BABY!

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