
Where can I find Pez dispensers in Venice or Pordenone Italy. Cigars?

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Well I am visiting Italy and I was wondering where can I find Pez dispensers in Venice or Pordenone. Anywhere up north really? WHat should i expect to pay in euros? Also do you know where I could buy cigars or just find a cigar shop in Venice or the surrounding area?




  1. Well,in Pordenone I don't see Pez from enlist 15 years......!

    Give me 14 hours more and I'll let you know something......

  2. Many tobacco shops in Venice sell cigars but I really don't know of one in particular that specializes.

    As for Pez.... i haven't seen one of those since I was kid...

    The store below is suppose to be good. I've never been there though.

    Italian Blends Srl

    30020 Annone Veneto (VE)

    tel: 0422 769784

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